Someone to pray for: Nikolas Cruz, the young fellow who killed 17 students. I have the distinct feeling--which I had when I first heard of all this--that, of course he is obviously a very wounded person, but also one, who after committing murder, realized what he did was heinous, and that the good God wants him very much to be saved. Mary said to pray and sacrifice to save people such as him. St. Therese prayed for the murderer Pranzini and obtained his conversion. Let us pray for the conversion of Nikolas Cruz, that he not end up in Hell.
Some heartbreaking excerpts from his interrogation--imagine if this were your 19 year old son:
"When asked by Curcio early in the interview whether he wanted water, he said: 'I don’t deserve it.'"
"At one point, when Curcio left the room, the suspect — apparently alone — is recorded saying, 'I want to die.'"
"When Curcio leaves the room at another moment, the suspected attacker repeats over and over: 'Why didn’t he kill me? Why didn’t he kill me? Why didn’t he kill me?'"
O Mary, you can do anything! Remove this fellow from the power of the devil, grant him the grace of true contrition and final perseverance. Deprive the devil of the young man he thinks he has won. Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary...