Photos--not very good, but the best I could get--of the very first Consolatio Mariae vesture: dark blue (photo does not bring this out well at all) sweatshirt with insignia of Consolatio Mariae, embroidered. After weeks of preparation, it came in the mail yesterday. If you are are member of this private association, I encourage you to get something with the logo to wear as well; sweatshirt, jacket, polo shirt. This is a witness to the world, admittedly a small one, of the Catholic Faith. It is also a sweet reminder to the one wearing it of Mary's joy at our helping her to save souls by prayer and sacrifices. This truly does save souls--the devil is very good at trying to convince us it is useless or a waste of time or is imagination. Don't listen to thoughts like that, it's just the evil spirit.
In regard to printed or embroidered clothing, again, there are many venders out there. I went with Queensboro. Some of the best people in business I have worked with. They do have a $50 minimum order, but you could get two shirts, or various other things they have, such as coffee mugs etc, and have the emblem put on anything. The sweatshirt itself that I got, with embroidery, only cost me 26.00 and change.